Posted by Ben Wills in Home Buying

Moving to a new home can be an exciting but stressful experience for both humans and pets. Because pets are sensitive to changes in their environment, the process of moving can be overwhelming for them. To ensure a seamless transition, it's important to plan ahead to make the adjustment as smooth as possible and create a comfortable environment for your pet.

With these 6 tips for moving with pets, you'll have one less thing to worry about on moving day!

TIP 1: Update Your Pet’s Tags and Microchip Information

Before moving, make sure your pet's ID tags have your new contact information. If your pet has a microchip, update the address and phone number associated with it as well. This will help ensure that your pet can be easily identified and returned to you if they get lost during the move.

Dog with tag

TIP 2: Pack an Essentials Box

Create a moving kit specifically for your pet, including their food, bowls, medication, toys, and any other pet travel essentials. Pack enough supplies to last for a few days after the move in case you encounter any delays or difficulties. Having these items readily available will help keep your pet comfortable and minimize stress.

TIP 3: Keep Your Pets Occupied During Moving Day

On moving day, it's important to keep your pet safe and secure. Consider confining them to a quiet, secure room with their favorite toys, bedding, and a familiar scent. This will prevent them from getting scared or accidentally escaping during the chaos of moving furniture and boxes.

Alternatively, you could enlist the help of friends and family on moving day. This way your pets will be entertained while you unpack and settle into your new home.

Dog playing with ball

TIP 4: Spend Time Puppy Proofing Your Home

Also known as the “four-legged inspection,” puppy proofing involves creating a safe environment for your pet by identifying and eliminating potential hazards. By taking the following precautions, you can create a safe space for your pet to roam and play:

  • Secure loose items like cords, chargers, and cables
  • Block off dangerous areas like stairs or rooms with fragile items
  • Keep your kitchen clean and protect trash by using cans with secure lids
  • Secure windows and doors to prevent your pet from escaping
  • Provide safe toys to redirect their chewing or scratching behavior

TIP 5: Gradually Introduce Your Pet to the New Home

Once you've arrived at your new home, give your pet time to adjust to their new surroundings. Start by confining them to one room with their essentials and gradually introduce them to the rest of the home. This will help them feel more comfortable and prevent them from feeling overwhelmed.

Cat being pet

TIP 6: Maintain Your Normal Routine

Once you’re settled into your new home, try to maintain their regular feeding, exercise, and playtime schedule as much as possible. This will help them feel more secure and reduce the anxiety that comes with the new environment.

Try packing their favorite toys, bedding, and bowls last in your old home, then unpacking them first in the new home to create a familiar environment.

Cat and dog relaxing

Moving with pets requires careful planning and consideration to ensure their well-being during the transition. With these 6 tips, you can minimize stress and create a smoother moving experience for you and your furry friend, whether you’re moving long distance or right around the corner!


Ben Wills
Ben Wills


​Ben Wills is the Mortgage Branch Training Officer for M/I Financial, LLC. Ben has been in the mortgage field for over 40 years and has assisted thousands of homeowners in financing new home construction.

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