Posted by Bruce Borden in M/I Homes Culture

We surveyed over 3,000 of our happy homeowners, and we’ve found their feedback to be overwhelmingly vocal about their appreciation of our clean construction. What you’ll find with M/I Homes is that we know how important a clean jobsite is to you.

​Imagine visiting a new construction community where you’re interested in buying a home. You’ve got your hearty outdoor shoes on—maybe even a hard hat with you—and you’re eager to take a tour of a few homes in your search for your dream home.

​When you step out onto the rough terrain of the not-quite-finished construction site where the community is situated, what do you expect from a quality home builder? You certainly don’t expect to see trash or debris littered all over. What a waste of time it would be to carve out a window from your busy schedule, only to find mayhem and mess at a new home community!

​Did you know that at M/I Homes we don’t just make things look nice when we know you’re coming out for a visit? Hardly! In fact, each member of our onsite team works diligently to keep a tidy, professional workspace at all times:

  • Our New Home Consultants keep their desks and office spaces ever ready for customers by making plenty of room and keeping organized.
  • Our Construction Teams are held to high standards of cleanliness through constant walk-throughs and visits from Construction Managers.
  • Our Construction Managers keep careful records of your home’s progress and keep things moving along at a steady pace to finish your dream abode in a timely manner.

​Rest assured that behind the scenes, your home is still treated with the utmost care and sincerity. Even from our photography of our photos online and our many virtual tours, you won’t find our ability to stand behind our work wonting; we’ve been operating under these high standards for over 40 years, and we pledge to continue to do so.

​So, take a virtual tour of our homes today and talk with our team about opportunities available in an M/I Homes community for your dream home construction. Let us take care of the details so that, when you’re able to come out and see the community in person, you’ll breathe a sigh of relief and feel right at home once you see how we do better construction.

​From the day your new home construction breaks ground with us to the day we hold the door open for you as you move your first boxes in, you’ll quickly observe that every smiling face you encounter is making your new home production Better.

​Welcome to M/I Homes.


Bruce Borden


Bruce has been with M/I Homes for over 20 years, has been the National Customer Experience Manager for over 10 years, and has been in the home building industry for over 30 years. Happily married and a proud father, Bruce enjoys outdoor activities and home improvement projects, and has never met someone he didn't like.

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