Articles in Home Maintenance

4 Tips for Finishing an Attic

October 30, 2013

So you want to finish your attic. But have you considered building codes, ceiling height, and other important factors? Read these quick tips for finishing an attic properly in your home. Read More »

5 Ways to Minimize Surprise Moving Costs

October 3, 2013

As if moving weren’t stressful enough, it can also carry with it a host of unanticipated costs. Prepare yourself with our rundown of surprise fees and hidden expenses. Read More »

How a New Home Can Reduce Your Insurance Risk

August 12, 2013

Learn from guest blogger Samantha Alexander about the benefits to owning a new home when it comes to home insurance. Exploring the many benefits to new homes vs. used when it comes to insurance risk, Samantha details several considerations that are helpful for home buyers. Read More »

Storing Food Properly to Prevent Bugs in the Kitchen

February 5, 2013

Taking care of your new home can be as simple as using proper storage and serving methods for food in the kitchen. Keep pests out with these great tips and tricks! Read More »

Winter Home Maintenance Tips

February 5, 2013

Learn some quick tips for preparing your new home for winter! From flushing your water heater to keeping your smoke detectors' batteries fresh, we've got the info you need. Read More »

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